Sweet Home, Chicago

July 15th, 2008

So I've redesigned my website once again. I felt it was necessary as my old page was subtitled "Life in the Dominican Republic" and that life has already transitioned into another very different life. I'm back in the United States, Chicago to be more precise, after roughly 27 months away. I'd like to think I'm a changed person, and in many ways I am, though my readjustment to life in the city wasn't nearly as difficult as I'd feared.

After my homecoming in early May, I've traveled around a bit, to San Antonio, TX and Nashville, TN, visited with family, readjusted to American "culture" and let one of the last big chunks of my youthful idealism go by finding and working a full time job.

But the job isn't all bad. I'm working in Columbia College's Information Technology department designing and building electronic forms and workflows for the college's intranet. It's not nearly as boring as it sounds and it's given me a chance to brush up on my web and database skills.

I'm happy to have returned at the beginning of summer because Chicago always seems to offer some great summer activities. It seems every weekend is another neighborhood festival, and the next few weeks will bring the Pitchfork Music Festival, the Wicker Park Fest, and Lollapalooza in Chicago's Grant Park.

I suppose things have been alright, all in all, and I've been partaking in some of the finer things offered by big city life, namely high speed internet connections, wonderful restaurants, long city bike rides, and libraries full of books.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer months as well. Take it easy.

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