Winter In Paradise

January 25th, 2007

I've had a pretty productive week which is funny for me to say because nothing has really been done. I picked up my class again this Monday and we've been messing around with Linux and the whole idea of a command line interface. I will be starting an English class in the next two weeks for a group of 15 or so college students who want a more personal approach to learning. I know most of them from around town.

Looking ahead a little further, I'm having a new volunteer come visit me in early March, which I can hardly believe seeing as how I myself was just doing my volunteer visit what seems like yesterday. Finally, I'll be putting together a couple of presentations for the new volunteer training in early April. My time is mostly spent on lesson plans these days and I feel more and more like a teacher, which isn't such a bad thing at all. All in all, I've readjusted to life in Veragua. I knew it was only a matter of time.

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