


Format MP3
Genre(s) Electronic, IDM
Released 1994
Updated October 19th, 2020
#3 for 1994
Perhaps not the critics favorite, but my own favorite. This is Autechre before they really started to push the boundaries of glitch and explore harsher soundscapes. The tracks on "Amber" tend more towards slow-developing ambient while still featuring the signature ticks, zooms and whirrs that Autechre would more fully embrace later.

Highlights: Slip, Nine, and Nil for the slow burn
Track Title Rating Last Listen
Autechre - 01-Foil - 8/30/2021
Autechre - 03-Silverside - 8/30/2021
Foil - 9/18/2024
Montreal - 9/18/2024
Silverside - 9/18/2024
Slip - 9/18/2024
Glitch - 9/18/2024
Piezo - 9/18/2024
Nine - 9/18/2024
Further - 9/18/2024
Yulquen - 9/18/2024
Nil - 9/18/2024
Teartear - 9/18/2024

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