Things We Lost In The Fire


Things We Lost In The Fire

Format CD
Genre(s) Slow-core, Rock
Released 2001
Updated March 23rd, 2014
Track Title Rating Last Listen
Low - 02-Whitetail - 10/8/2021
Low - 03-Dinosaur Act - 10/8/2021
Low - 04-Medicine Magazines - 10/8/2021
Low - 05-Laser Beam - 10/8/2021
Low - 06-July - 10/8/2021
Low - 07-Embrace - 10/8/2021
Low - 08-Whore - 10/8/2021
Low - 09-Kind of Girl - 10/8/2021
Low - 10-Like a Forest - 10/8/2021
Low - 11-Closer - 10/8/2021
Low - 12-untitled - 10/8/2021
Low - 13-In Metal - 10/8/2021
Low - 01-Sunflower - 10/8/2021

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