


Format CD
Genre(s) Punk
Released 1994
Updated March 23rd, 2014
Track Title Rating Last Listen
Time to Relax - 8/3/2022
Nitro (Youth Energy) - 8/3/2022
Bad Habit - 8/3/2022
Gotta Get Away - 8/3/2022
Genocide - 8/3/2022
Something to Believe In - 8/3/2022
Come Out and Play - 8/3/2022
Self Esteem - 8/3/2022
It'll Be a Long Time - 8/3/2022
Killboy Powerhead - 8/3/2022
What Happened to You? - 8/3/2022
So Alone - 8/3/2022
Not the One - 8/3/2022

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