Brighten The Corners


Brighten The Corners

Format LP
Genre(s) Indie
Released 1997
Updated August 20th, 2021
#3 for 1997

Probably the poppiest and most accessible of Pavement's albums. Also perhaps the album I'd suggest as an entry point for somebody new to Pavement. Not quite my favorite Pavement album, but still great. "Shady Lane" is my favorite track, but the opener, "Stereo", sucks you right in.

Track Title Rating Last Listen
Transport Is Arranged - 10/29/2020
Type Slowly - 11/4/2020
Fin - 12/3/2020
Embassy Row - 6/14/2021
Passat Dream - 4/21/2021
Shady Lane - 6/14/2024

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