Left And Leaving

The Weakerthans

Left And Leaving

Format CD
Genre(s) Indie
Released 2000
Updated March 23rd, 2014
#2 for 2000
Track Title Rating Last Listen
The Weakerthans - 02-Aside - 2/25/2021
The Weakerthans - 03-Watermark - 2/25/2021
The Weakerthans - 04-Pamphleteer - 4/13/2021
The Weakerthans - 05-This is a Fire Door Never Leave Open - 2/25/2021
The Weakerthans - 06-Without Mythologies - 2/25/2021
The Weakerthans - 07-Left and Leaving - 2/24/2021
The Weakerthans - 08-Elegy for Elsabet - 2/24/2021
The Weakerthans - 09-History to the Defeated - 6/7/2021
The Weakerthans - 10-Exiles Among You - 2/24/2021
The Weakerthans - 11-My Favorite Chords - 2/24/2021
The Weakerthans - 12-Slips and Tangles - 2/24/2021
The Weakerthans - 01-Everything Must Go! - 2/24/2021

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